This year's Blog Action Day today is focusing on water for the needy of the world.
So I thought I would focus on that.
I studied all the stats on Middle East water use when I was in school and know that eventually wars are going to be fought over the resource. Just look at how states in the United States fight over it in certain drought conditions.
I also worked for a local housing office that saw how bad it can also be for those that do not have clean, running water- in the United States!
Granted, the number is SIGNIFICANTLY lower than the impoverished countries of the world. It is disheartening to learn that it disproportionately impacts black and low income households.
The U.S. 2000 Census reveals that more than 1.7 million people in the United States, 670,986 households, still lack the basic plumbing facilities that most of us have come to take for granted. To some observers, these Americans may appear to be lost or insignificant within the larger population, but the hardships they endure in their daily lives are very real.
I don't want to steal the focus away from all the efforts world-wide, but other than donating to causes that help in the most impacted locations, we should be focusing on making sure our individual efforts are helping and that our policy is reflecting needed changes to be sure that everyone has safe drinking water.
100 tips here to conserve water. And if nothing else, let's follow Brazil's advice: pee in the shower<p>Blog Action Day 2010: Water from Blog Action Day on Vimeo.</p>Related articles
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