I owe Meg Fowler for this piece of brilliance:
I wrote last week about NOT making resolutions and making plans.
And I am with Meg on this:
I firmly believe you can change whenever you decide change is necessary, whether the calendar reads January 1st or June 3rd or October 31st (Halloweenolutions!)
So in solidarity I suggest the things I am not changing about myself this year.
1. As Frugal as I Wanna Be- I have no issue telling you I can be a cheap bastard. Not when it comes to important things, but man I love a bargain like it's nobody's business. I will still find ways of getting free magazines, checking FatWallet, and going to the dollar theater to cut costs when I can!
2. I
Google. I don't really have much of a problem admitting that I use a TON of their products and am still hurting a little inside because I have not received a Chrome OS Laptop (hint hint).
3. I will blog... more. I have plans to keep up my pace to have written a post/day. Whether it's on the "new" blog or the old is the only question.
4. Family first. This is a no brainer. One reason I dichotomized (can't believe spellcheck let that through) my blog posting was something akin to keeping professional and personal more apart from each other, why not online? Expect more weirdness from mi familia being mentioned.
5. Stretch Armstrong. That's me. Always did do more than I should. (this is ALMOST a resolution.) I am going to keep doing so much that I feel stretched, but I am going to do it in a manner that works for me.
6. Reading. I am a voracious reader. RSS feeds, magazines, fiction, non-fiction (gimme some recommendations!) I can't remotely imagine that stopping, at all, ever.
7. I'm not wearing heels unless I have to. (Thanks Meg, also wanted to see if you were still reading.) Or a tie, unless I have to.