How quick are you at seeing something coming down the road?
I was fortunate enough to hear a wonderful speaker this week who suggested that one of the crucial talents of ANY leader is recognizing a trend before it starts. You've heard that before, but I was able to personalize it yesterday.
My youngest was slowly taking care of her night time routine when I said something to the effect of "hey poke-a-loke, can you move any slower?" (Thankfully, my youngest has the sarcasm gene.)
Without missing a beat, as if she was Jim Carrey, she slows the movement in her body down and pretending to be in slow-motion, says "Suuurrreeee, Daaaaaaaaad. I caaaaaaan moooooove sloooower."
I stopped myself from laughing and continued with the nighttime routine but stood amazed by this six-year-old's ability to move on a dime.
Her ability to see a joke (even if she doesn't realize it) and react to it is borderline precognitive to me. I only wish I could see the road half as well as she does.
It's something to have that foresight, is it genetic or can it be learned?
Originally posted here