I Wow! Nearly two years, a documentary, and documentary series later and I am back to talk about Dave Grohl after I reviewed the Foo Fighter's last album, Wasting Light . This was an exciting prospect. Fresh off the success of "Sound City," Grohl announced this passion-project, where the Foos would tour different studios in different cities all over the US to show off the auditory capacity of our great nation. I can't speak to the documentary aspect, but the tidbits I've seen have shown that Grohl definitely has a place (with his film makers) as a documentarian. However, does the album that came as a result of the documentary suffice as a Foos album? Let's go track by track: 1. "Something from Nothing" from Chicago This sounds like it should have been two songs and makes for a great theme to the "show." As a Foo's song, it is a bit all over the place and almost feels like they were just trying to give everyone something t...