I tried for the longest time to integrate audio posting with blogging. I tried it WAY back when I had an Android phone. I've tried several incarnations once I switched to Iphones. One of the latest can be found here: http://www.ipadio.com/channels/ToddLyden I tested Ipadio a few times and while I really enjoy the easy of calling to record and then post and embed rather easily. It isn't quite what I was looking for. Way back in the heady days of 2011, I tried Cinchcast from Cinch: http://www.toddlyden.com/2011/01/one-huge-problem-with-cinchcasting.html Most of the earliest iterations relied on calling, which is not the best way to record a podcast. I am not looking at doing lengthy interviews and what not. I just wanted to share quick snippets. I think I found it in the Opinion App. Others sing its praises here . Here is what I am producing with it: podcast.toddlyden.com I am lapsing into a semi-sort-of schedule with Monday- movie reviews; Wednesday - app of...