I come back to voting every election year, mainly because I am so thoroughly disappointed in the outcomes of our two-party system.
And make no mistake, it is the party system that fails us.
I talked about "how not to get out the vote" - "vote even if you are disgusted?" UGH
I've always liked this article about shaming "non-voting."
I completely agree with the author: "No one should have to justify exercising a right; rights, by definition, justify themselves. Nevertheless, for many people, not voting is an entirely rational choice: The cost of learning about the candidates and the issues often outweighs the benefit to be had from casting a ballot whose odds of making a significant difference in the outcome are infinitesimal."
And for those that argue that you have a "civic duty to vote," please lay off the doody.
I like what this guy has to say about the idea.
Just because someone has the right to bear firearms does not give them a civic duty to bear them, right?
Just because you have the right to free assembly doesn't mean you have a civic duty to assemble, unless maybe you are Captain America?
This election, more than any other, is illustrating that the move towards approximately 40% of registered voters identifying themselves as independent is the only choice.
Will we still have an election result if all 40% just decided to forgo both options this year? Yes.
I wish we had a protest option like the 1983 remake of Brewster's Millions, when Richard Pryor ran as "None of the Above."
At least then, I wouldn't have to hold my nose to vote.