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Showing posts from July, 2017

Paraphrasing, Re-Wording, Copying, Stealing

Seriously, there are times when I wish I weren't so jaded about the state of what happens on the internet. Here are the results when you run that sentence through Google: I ran that same sentence through several FREE online plagiarism detectors. Thankfully, Quetext did not find a copy. Searchenginereports was 100% clean. Even came back ok. Why do I ramble about this? Because I have found yet one more example of "re-worded" plagiarism of one "business consultant" of another's work.  I won't tell you where I found these examples, but based on the dates of the sites, this paragraph came out first in 2015:  "The definition of success is a very personal one. It’s unique to each individual and only they can know if they’ve reached it. Unfort...

Dear Founder, Don't Be the Bad Waiter

Photo by Alvaro Serrano Dear Founder/Marketing Head/Product Development/Customer Funtime Lead, I am just writing this vague and boilerplate email to repond to the Nth Billionth email I've received from one of you with regards to your freemium, SAAS product/app of choice. Look, if I had questions or concerns about your product, I am a smart enough guy to find the email, contact page, or bot that you call a chat module to get an answer. If you want feedback, you really do need to give me enough time to actually use your product. Emailing me a mere day or two after I have only signedup for the product is not enough time for me to evaluate something. It finally occurred to me that you are like the waitress who comes back to the table right after dropping the food and asking if I like it before I've even begun to chew. So please, stop. Just don't bother. Use your email for advertising or something else, but pestering a potential client like this is a pretty good ...